Afrotc Pfa Score Sheet USAF Fitness Assessment Scoring Males 25 29 years of age Final Version Health Risk Category low moderate or high risk for Satisfactory 75 0 89 9 Unsatisfactory 75 0 Final Version Passing Requirements member must 1 achieve a composite point total 75 points and 2 meet minimum point values for all components Composite Score
The PFA is composed of three components that are evaluated through four events 1 Body Composition abdominal measurement 2 Muscular fitness components 1 minute Push ups and 1 minute Crunches 3 Aerobic component 1 5 mile run To pass cadets must complete all events achieve the minimum score in each event and a total score of at least 75 USAF Fitness Assessment Scoring Males 25 years of age Final Version Final Version Muscular Fitness Unsatisfactory 75 0 Composite Score Categories Minimum Component Values Satisfactory 75 0 89 9 Passing Requirements member must 1 achieve a composite point total 75 points and 2 meet minimum point values for all components Excellent 90 0
Afrotc Pfa Score Sheet
Afrotc Pfa Score Sheet
Air Force Fitness Standards Females Under 30 Air Force PT Test
Air Force Fitness Standards Females 30 39 Air Force PT Test Standards
Composite Score Categories Excellent ts Satisfact site score ss these to achieve 75 0 com Unsatisfact Ca rdi Run Tim e mins 10 23 1106 11 07 12 14 13 14 NOTES to ry Endurance AC inches 30 0 31 0 32 0 325 33 0 335 36 0 37 0 375 Com sition Health Risk Cate Low Risk Low Risk Low Risk Low Risk Low Risk Low Risk Moderate Risk Moderate Risk 86 AFI36 2905 21 OCTOBER 2013 Attachment 10 FITNESS ASSESSMENT CHARTS A10 1 Fitness Assessment Chart Male Age 30
AUTHORITY 10 U S C 8013 and Executive Order 9397 SSN PURPOSE Information is used to positively identify an individual prior to administration of the Air Force Fitness Assessment FA Title New AF4446 Score Sheet pdf Author 1286228280C Created Date 7 1 2021 10 26 20 AM
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Afrotc form 30 20120712 AFROTC PHYSICAL FITNESS ASSESSMENT SCORE SHEET BEFORE PERFORMING PFA QFR PARTICIPANT MUST READ CIRCLE APPLICABLE BOLD AREAS AND SIGN Physical Fitness Assessment PFA The Department of the Air Force PFA consists of cardiorespiratory fitness muscular strength and core endurance components This general assessment is gender and age specific and occupationally independent with science based health and general fitness standards 1 2 2
PURPOSE Information is used to positively identify an individual prior to administration of the Air Force Physical Fitness Assessment PFA ROUTINE USES In addition to those disclosures generally permitted under 5 U S C 552a b of the Privacy Act these records or information contained therein may specifically be disclosed Composite Score Categories Excellent pts Satisfact site score ss these to achieve 75 0 com Unsatisfact Ca rdi Run Tim e mins 12 14 13 14 NOTES to ry Endurance AC inches 30 0 31 0 32 0 325 33 0 335 36 0 37 0 375 Com sition Health Risk Cate Low Risk Low Risk Low Risk Low Risk Low Risk Low Risk Moderate Risk Moderate Risk Moderate Risk Moderate Risk
Air Force Fitness Standards Males Under 30 Air Force PT Test Standards;ssl=1
Here Are The Scoring Charts For The Air Force s New PT Test Exercises …
USAF Fitness Assessment Scoring Males 25 29 years of age Final Version Health Risk Category low moderate or high risk for Satisfactory 75 0 89 9 Unsatisfactory 75 0 Final Version Passing Requirements member must 1 achieve a composite point total 75 points and 2 meet minimum point values for all components Composite Score…
The PFA is composed of three components that are evaluated through four events 1 Body Composition abdominal measurement 2 Muscular fitness components 1 minute Push ups and 1 minute Crunches 3 Aerobic component 1 5 mile run To pass cadets must complete all events achieve the minimum score in each event and a total score of at least 75

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Afrotc Pfa Score Sheet - AUTHORITY 10 U S C 8013 and Executive Order 9397 SSN PURPOSE Information is used to positively identify an individual prior to administration of the Air Force Fitness Assessment FA