Best Test Score Sheet The Mini BESTest is a 14 item test scored on a 3 level ordinal scale Mini BESTest assesses dynamic balance a unidimensinal construct and includes 14 items addressing 4 of the 6 sections of the original BESTest 1 Anticipatory postural adjustments 2 Reactive postural control 3 Sensory orientation 4 Dynamic gait Notes about scoring
Six categories included in the Brief BESTest 8 scored 1 Biomechanical constraints Hip strength 2 Stability limits verticality Reach forward 3 Anticipatory postural responses Stand on one limb left and right each scored 4 Postural responses Compensatory Stepping right and left each scored Scoring The test has a maximum score of 28 points from 14 items that are each scored from 0 to 2 0 indicates the lowest level of function and 2 the highest level of function If a subject must use an assistive device for an item score that item one category lower
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Balance Evaluation Systems Test Subjects should be tested with flat heeled shoes or shoes and socks off If subject must use an assistive device for an item score that item one category lower If subject requires physical assistance to perform an item score the lowest category 0 for that item The Balance Evaluation Systems Test BESTest serves as a 36 item clinical balance assessment tool developed to assess balance impairments across six contexts of postural control mechanical constraints limits of stability APAs postural response to induced loss of balance sensory orientation and gait Instrument Details
Balance Evaluation Systems Test BESTest Horak et al 2009 The original BESTest contains 36 test items that are categorized into 6 underlying systems that may contribute to balance impairment Biomechanical Constraints Stability Limits and Verticality Anticipatory Postural Adjustments Transitions Reactive Postural Responses The Mini BESTest should be scored out of 28 points to include 14 items that are scored from 0 to 2 For Item 3 single leg stance and Item 6 compensatory lateral stepping when compiling total score use only the worse score
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The Mini BESTest is a 14 item test scored on a 3 level ordinal scale Mini BESTest assesses dynamic balance a unidimensinal construct and includes 14 items addressing 4 of the 6 sections of the original BESTest 1 Anticipatory postural adjustments 2 Reactive postural control 3 Sensory orientation 4 Dynamic gait Notes about scoring
Six categories included in the Brief BESTest 8 scored 1 Biomechanical constraints Hip strength 2 Stability limits verticality Reach forward 3 Anticipatory postural responses Stand on one limb left and right each scored 4 Postural responses Compensatory Stepping right and left each scored

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Best Test Score Sheet - Balance Evaluation Systems Test Subjects should be tested with flat heeled shoes or shoes and socks off If subject must use an assistive device for an item score that item one category lower If subject requires physical assistance to perform an item score the lowest category 0 for that item