Pt Score Sheet Us Army The APFT Standards scale used by the Army to determine a soldier s physical fitness At least 60 points per event are required in the Army Updated every year to ensure the APFT charts are accurate and up to date See what you are required to score based on your age and gender
Title Army Physical Fitness Test Scorecard Author APD Subject DA FORM 705 AUG 2021 Created Date 9 15 2021 10 10 39 AM For use of this form see FM 7 22 the proponent agency is TRADOC PREVIOUS EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE
Pt Score Sheet Us Army
Pt Score Sheet Us Army
21 New Army Pt Test Score Chart References
Army Pt Score Chart 2011
Pu raw score initials points su raw score initials points 2mr raw score initials points alternate aerobic event go no go total points ncoic oic signature comments special instruction use ink pu push ups su sit ups 2mr 2 mile run apft army physical fitness test da form 705 may 2010 legend body composition event time lbs go no go test two test three test four army You must score at least a 50 in each event in order to pass the APFT to graduate Basic Combat Training PUSH UP STANDARDS AGE GROUP 17 21 22 26 27 31 32 36 37 41 Repetitions M F M F M F M F M F 77 100 76 99 75 100 98 100 74 99 97 99 73 98 96 98 100
Army APFT Standards are found on our website or in the Army Training Circular 3 22 20 and Department of the Army Form 705 Army Physical Fitness Test Scorecard The score for each APFT event ranges from 0 to 100 points a minimum score of 60 in each event is required to pass the test The soldier s overall score is the sum of the points from Male point scores are indicated by the M at the top and bottom of the shaded column Female point scores are indicated by the F at the top and bottom of the unshaded column To convert raw scores to point scores find the number of repetitions performed in the left hand column
More picture related to Pt Score Sheet Us Army
Army Pt Score Chart 2011
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Army Physical Fitness Test Scorecard For use of this form see FM 21 20 the proponent agency is TRADOC NAME LAST FIRST MIDDLE SSN GENDER UNIT USAPA V1 00 What has changed since ACFT 3 0 The Army will implement a revised ACFT starting on April 1 2022 that will include several differences based on 630 000 sample ACFT test scores the RAND
The following is a sample of the Army Physical Training Fitness Test Scorecard that leaders use to test the physical fitness of their units Figure A 11 A through F DA Form 705 can be downloaded from the AKO My Forms link Forms can be filled out on screen or by hand The samples provided are not to be used for scoring the APFT Passing the push up portion of the APFT and graduate Basic Combat Training soldiers must score at least a 50 Find the push up requirements for each age group
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The APFT Standards scale used by the Army to determine a soldier s physical fitness At least 60 points per event are required in the Army Updated every year to ensure the APFT charts are accurate and up to date See what you are required to score based on your age and gender…
Title Army Physical Fitness Test Scorecard Author APD Subject DA FORM 705 AUG 2021 Created Date 9 15 2021 10 10 39 AM

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Army Pt Score Chart 2011
Pt Score Sheet Us Army - Pu raw score initials points su raw score initials points 2mr raw score initials points alternate aerobic event go no go total points ncoic oic signature comments special instruction use ink pu push ups su sit ups 2mr 2 mile run apft army physical fitness test da form 705 may 2010 legend body composition event time lbs go no go test two test three test four army