School Wellnesss Policy Score Sheet

School Wellnesss Policy Score Sheet School wellness policies are evaluated based on the degree to which they address 50 policy items which are categorized into five sections The sections include Nutrition Education and Wellness Promotion Standards for

The WellSAT is a quantitative assessment tool to help you score and improve your local School Wellness Policy Since 2010 this measure has been used by thousands of people across the country representing school districts from every state The following tables include wellness policy statement numbers and item descriptions broken down by section Please rate the level to which each policy item is addressed in the school wellness policy

School Wellnesss Policy Score Sheet


School Wellnesss Policy Score Sheet


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How to Score School Wellness Policies The WellSAT 2 0 will give you two scores a comprehensiveness score which reflects the extent to which recommended content areas are covered in the policy and a strength score which describes how strongly the content is stated Print out the WellSAT I tool and Worksheet 2 Scorecard for the WellSAT I Determine who is best suited to answer each question in your district Items with a school icon are typically answered at the school level

Describe the items that received a written policy score of 2 and an interview practice score of 2 Start with the Federal Requirements for each section Section 1 Nutrition Education All high school students receive sequential and comprehensive nutrition education Assures compliance with USDA nutrition standards for reimbursable school meals Instructions This assessment tool is to be used by schools to assess the current status of the wellness policy and procedures There are four sections Comprehensive Learning Environments Healthy Eating Opportunities and Practice Physical Activity and Evaluation using board policy ADF and Procedure 741 ADF School Wellness as guiding

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The purpose is to examine the relationship between a school district s local school wellness policy and school level health practices WPAT is easy to use and is completely confidential This tool was developed in collaboration with The WellSAT WSCC builds from the WellSAT Wellness School Assessment Tool a tool for evaluating school wellness policy The WellSAT was first developed by the Rudd Center after a 2006 federal law required districts participating in national school meal programs to have a written school wellness policy in place The tool has been used by

Worksheet 1 Written Policy Scores from WellSAT 3 0 Worksheet 2 Interview Practice Scores from WellSAT I Worksheet 3 Identify Connections between Policy and Practice The Wellness Policy in Action Tool WPAT helps school districts and schools examine the relationship between district level written wellness policies and school level wellness practices The information below will help users interpret their WPAT results and take the best action Users will receive three separate scores for each WPAT topic including


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School wellness policies are evaluated based on the degree to which they address 50 policy items which are categorized into five sections The sections include Nutrition Education and Wellness Promotion Standards for

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WellSAT Rudd Center Home
The WellSAT is a quantitative assessment tool to help you score and improve your local School Wellness Policy Since 2010 this measure has been used by thousands of people across the country representing school districts from every state


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School Wellnesss Policy Score Sheet - How to Score School Wellness Policies The WellSAT 2 0 will give you two scores a comprehensiveness score which reflects the extent to which recommended content areas are covered in the policy and a strength score which describes how strongly the content is stated