Young Marines Pft Score Sheet Information collected by this form will be used to record physical fitness performance data for compliance with the Marine Corps Physical Fitness and Combat Fitness program and will be entered
USMC PFT Score Worksheet Name SSN Program PFT Date 17 20 21 25 26 30 31 35 36 40 41 45 46 50 51 17 20 21 25 26 30 31 35 36 40 41 45 46 50 51 Max 18 00 18 00 18 00 18 00 18 00 18 30 19 00 19 30 Max 21 00 21 00 21 00
Young Marines Pft Score Sheet
Young Marines Pft Score Sheet
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This calculator complies with USMC Physical Fitness standards effective March 23 2022 Score to pass the Young Marines Physical Fitness Test PFT is 200 points for Young Ma rines Recruits through YM LCPL For YM CPL through YM MGYSGT the minimum physical fitness score is 250 points The score ranges and corresponding awards are listed in the following chart 3rd Class 2nd Class 1st Class Score Range 200 299 300 399 400 500
Score to pass the Young Marines Physical Fitness Test PFT is 200 points for Young Marines Recruits to YM LCPL For YM CPL to YM MGYSGT the minimum physical fitness score is 250 points The score ranges and corresponding awards are listed in the following chart 3rd Class 2nd Class 1st Class Score Range 200 299 300 399 400 500 Qualification Scoring Points are assessed according to performance in each event Maximum attainable score for any one event is 100 points while 300 points represents an overall perfect score Events The PFT is comprised of three events a Pull ups male Flex Arm Hang Female b Crunches 2 minutes timed c 3 mile timed individual run
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The following are the max min score charts for male and female Marines for each PFT event The PFT has three events pull ups or push ups abdominal crunches or plank pose and a three mile PFT scores will determine if you are promoted to your next rank or chosen to participated in a SPACES event The PFT program and requirements can be found in the Young Marine Training Officers Manual TOM on the Young Marine website
Calculate your USMC Physical Fitness Test and Combat Fitness Test scores using the PFT CFT calculator below The USMC Physical Fitness Test or PFT and Combat Fitness Test or CFT are the Marine Corps fitness assessments The Marine Corps requires all Marines to complete the PFT and CFT once per year For the Young Marines Private First Class YM PFC and Young Marines Lance Corporal YM LCpl As you progress through your career in the Young Marines you will receive three other guidebooks Junior Senior and Advanced Young Marines Guidebooks Each guidebook
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Information collected by this form will be used to record physical fitness performance data for compliance with the Marine Corps Physical Fitness and Combat Fitness program and will be entered Programs…
USMC PFT Score Worksheet Name SSN Program PFT Date

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Young Marines Pft Score Sheet - Score to pass the Young Marines Physical Fitness Test PFT is 200 points for Young Ma rines Recruits through YM LCPL For YM CPL through YM MGYSGT the minimum physical fitness score is 250 points The score ranges and corresponding awards are listed in the following chart 3rd Class 2nd Class 1st Class Score Range 200 299 300 399 400 500