Aahper Test Score Sheet The following information is given for each test equipment description rules and scoring Also included in this document are a history of the test methods for recording and comparing test scores tables with various percentile scores and norms and recording forms JA
Charts are provided which compaie average scores on the tests in 1958 1965 and 1975 The second section contains detailed instructions for administering each test The next three sections discuss the three types of forms used for recording the test data and how to compare test results AAHPER Youth Fitness Test is the first ever developed by the physical education profession for which national norms were determined The results of the first testing in 1957 showed that the young people of this country were not as physically fit and vigorous as they should be The testing progam then became both the cause and the means for an ever
Aahper Test Score Sheet
Aahper Test Score Sheet
Table 1 From A Comperative Study On AAHPER Youth Fitness Test Norms
AAHPER youth fitness test manual by Hunsicker Paul Alfred Publication date 1976 Topics Physical fitness Testing Physical Fitness Publisher Washington American Alliance for Health Physical Education and Recreation Collection internetarchivebooks printdisabled inlibrary Contributor Internet Archive Language English Item Size 222 3M 91 pages 23 cm At The following information is given for each test equipment description rules and scoring Also included in this document are a history of the test methods for recording and comparing test scores tables with various percentile scores and norms and recording forms JA
Scoring The score is the distance between the take off line and the nearest point where any part of the student s body touches the floor It is measured in feet and inches to the nearest inch Only the best trial is recorded AAHPER Youth Fitness Test Manual American Association for Health Physical Education and Recreation Seconds SCORING Record Seconds and Tenths SHUTTLE RUN SOFTBALL THROW ST RW PU STANDING BROAD JUMP Sum of Exponents Tenths Percen TEST 1 TEST Test Scores TILE SCORE TILE University of Michigan Youth Fitness Test Bibliographic
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50 YARD DASH 600 yard run walk AAHPER Physical Fitness AAHPER Research Council AAHPER Youth Fitness Age Age Percen Association for Health Award Based on Age Based on Classification boys and girls BOYS Percentile Scores Class Composite Record Classification Index Classification Classification Index Percen college women column HSG Conference on These data can also be used to establish cut points cutoff scores for fitness tests which are essential for interpreting test results and communicating them to individuals and families as well as establishing individual performance goals related to health improvements
This study examined the association between physical fitness and a technical execution score in rhythmic gymnasts varying in the performance level Forty six young rhythmic gymnasts age 9 9 1 Test validity is examined by determining what traits or factors are measured by the battery and by confronting the battery s ability to measure a known and valued physical fitness variable maximal oxygen uptake
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The following information is given for each test equipment description rules and scoring Also included in this document are a history of the test methods for recording and comparing test scores tables with various percentile scores and norms and recording forms JA
Charts are provided which compaie average scores on the tests in 1958 1965 and 1975 The second section contains detailed instructions for administering each test The next three sections discuss the three types of forms used for recording the test data and how to compare test results

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Aahper Test Score Sheet - Scoring The score is the distance between the take off line and the nearest point where any part of the student s body touches the floor It is measured in feet and inches to the nearest inch Only the best trial is recorded